Wentworth Public School

Respect Safety Persistence

Telephone03 5027 3146


About our school

Wentworth Public School has provided education to the Wentworth community for one hundred and forty years.

The school is situated on the western banks of the Darling River, not far from the junction of this river with Australia's other major river the Murray.

The school services an isolated area of the state which is subject to extremes of climate, being situated in a semi-arid area.

A majority of students access the school by foot or bicycle from the town of Wentworth. Two small buses bring children from isolated station properties up to two hours travel time away from the school. Two larger buses bring children from horticultural blocks in the nearby settlements of Pomona and Curlwaa.

The school's Mission Statement is developed from the School Motto, "I Strive" and states, "Wentworth is a caring school, striving to achieve the best for all its children".

Information Booklet 2018 (pdf 295 KB)

Find out more about the general procedures of Wentworth Public School.